Keeping Ourselves Safe

As part of kiupapa matua this term, we have been focusing on taking action we have been learning about keeping ourselves safe if something went bad.We were taught all the abuse like neglect, emotional, physical, family violence Is where your  family can like hurt you,cyber bullying is where someone can say something on the internet,sexual abuse is where people touch you inappropriately  , verbal abuse. All abuse you should be reported and it’s not the victims fault. We met the local education officer Jeff, he taught us how to stay safe in a bad place.


We go to tech on Thursdays and we get there by bus, we need 3 buses. We go to Te Aratai college, the teacher who teaches me is Mr Davidson.  The subjects that we have are robotics, cooking ,woodwork and sewing. We go  with the year 7&8 and the  subject I’m doing is robobotics is what you do for  Coding and you have to build lego.. Would you rather pick cooking or robotics?.

Action dance station

I choose dance full action stations with Talei. We started with a hip hop dance that was super duper hard.

When we learn the heel and ton polka. We had to dance with a partner and swap partners as we danced.

I learned different styles. My favorite dance was the 7 rings.

Maori who changed the world

Today we had the whole day to do the Maori who changed the world. We had to compare when the day was back then to now. We had to talk about the famous Maori person and we had to make a Whakauki.  They had to walk everywhere compared to cars. Here is a fact he died after a long battle with cancer and when he died was 54. His name is Dalvanius Prime. My work about my Whakauki.  Here is my link to Maori who changed the world.

Get Wise

For the last few days we have been learning about get-wise. Get wise is sponsored by ABS. Make sure you check your bank account before you leave your house. I would like to know how to pay bills and pay off the stuff that I got from my parents. Are you good at saving?. We got to play a holiday game and my team and I won and another team did. We had 300 lift over and the other group did too. The is where you have to save a lot of money and you have enjoyment points. The R.I.S.E value was success because we saved over 300.